Last week, and a couple of days before Halloween, I saw my first Christmas commercial on TV...I couldn't believe it...usually they start right after Halloween but this was a real surprise for me...Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas... but what's happening every year at this time just kind of sucks the Christmas spirit right out of me...by the middle of December, I feel like I've already celebrated the holiday...and I love to look at all the Christmas/Winter primitives too, but I'm just not in the least motivated to hook anything wintery right now...is it just me???
and...whatever happened to Thanksgiving anyway? I don't even want to think about Christmas until after Thanksgiving ..I think it's just a real shame that we have to rush through the holidays like this, with Christmas music and commercials blaring earlier and earlier every year...
I understand that a lot of this has to do with retailers and sales, but geez...enough is enough for me...I'm still in the Halloween mode and I'm not leaving Autumn anytime soon....
I agree with you Sandi. It bugs me too. In Canada we have Remembrance Day in honor of the fallen soldiers who fought for our freedom, on November 11 and I wish that the retailers would wait until after that significant day of remembrance before bringing on the Christmas garlands.
People are such consumers and the retailers are pushing the envelop farther every year. Where do people put all that stuff anyhow? JB
I agree with you!!! It just takes something away from the spirit of Christmas. Bah Humbug to all those stores that have their Christmas out already!!
I'm right there with you Sandi - like you i understand the retailer push but all the commercialism takes the fun out it - there is no "anticipation" left by mid December!
I am with you I love christmas but they skip right of thanksgiving. years ago they celebrated christmas into jan. we are so quick to get christmas underway that we squeeze it all in. I would love to take more time into jan for christmas.
Well I agree as far as the retailers rushing it but I am a sucker for the Christmas music. I wait until after
Remembrance Day Nov.11 but on November 12 I load my iPod with Christmas. Falalala.....
Sandi ~
I LOVE Christmas and the music, but if I worked somewhere where it is already playing and had to listen to it 8 hours a day for 2 months, I'd learn to hate it.
I couldn't believe that I passed a house yesterday that had the tree up and lit already. They are probably the same ones who will take it down December 26!!!
I do try to get some shopping done early, but my Christmas preparations usually start the Sunday after Thanksgiving when my out of town family leaves.
Hugs :)
Amen! I totally agree with you. It seems to get earlier and earlier every year and by the time Christmas is actually here ~ I'm exhausted and ready for the day to be over. So sad.
Are you my Girl Friend Soul mate???
What the hey?
What about Turkey Day???
Gobble Gobble Girl...
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