Friday, February 25, 2011


still winter I guess....'cause mother nature just dropped another 6 inches on us yesterday and last night...I was hoping that the snow would be over and those warm temps we had last week would stick around...but this is Missouri, after all...and nothing stays the same for long...

My nephew sent me this Amyrillis at Christmas and it has's so beautiful...

On the home front, Robert is doing great!  Cut just about all sugar out of his diet and he's exercising every morning...his blood sugar count is wayyyy down to normal...I am so thankful!!

I haven't been working on anything for the past week at least, my rug sits on the frame, time to get busy with my hands and create something...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hooray for Robert...I know you're probably back to working on your rug by now!