Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Sweet little bird's nest...

We found a sweet little bird's nest in a bush near the back of our yard, and there were 3 little eggs in it...i kept checking every day but never saw the mama, then today I saw they had hatched...
Glad I finally got a new camera, so I rushed out there and took a photo...I'll be checking back every day to see the progress of the little ones...

Where does the time go?  Here it is already July...barbecue here tomorrow and some fireworks too, my son usually likes to set off a few...
Will get to see the baby girl (great granddaughter) so I'm's been a few weeks since we saw her last...

Jax is growing like a weed, he gained over a pound from the time I brought him home to his vet visit last week (wow, he's a whole 3.6 lbs) ...taking him in on the 24th to be *snipped*...ouch!  I took a few photos of him in a little sweat shirt I bought him the day I brought him home, when I saw the back of it, I couldn't resist...always said I would never dress up a dog and here I niece sent me a box full of clothes from her little ones, such cute stuff!

Anyway, that's about all the news here...not a bit of hooking has been getting done for quite a long time; I think I just needed to take a break, and then by Fall I will be back into it again...can't get much done anyway with this little *bugger*, he's into everything...

1 comment:

Julia said...

Ha,ha,ha, Boys rules, I love it... Cute little thing. My sister in law has one of those cute little pooch too. Just adorable.

Congratulations on the new great granddaughter. I'm expecting a great grand on in September.

Good luck with the little birds. They need little jackets too.

Happy 4th of July.