Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Just a Hello & update...

I've been catching up on everyone's blogs on my reading list, and everyone has such wonderful things on theirs, so I promised myself that I would post updates more often, even if there was no *earth-shaking* news to announce...
and not earth-shattering, but....
Someone I really admire purchased on of my rugs last week, and that lifted my spirits...

Just me plodding along here, and thanks to a certain person's  (you know who you are) words of wisdom, I've decided to Snap Out of It :) and start some hooking...I had purchased a pattern in a rug hooking shop in Liberty and had forgotten all about it, had put it away under my cupboards...
It'a a pattern Pumpkin Jack by Needl Love...

Hopefully I will even get it finished by the end of this month...

The weather here is warm and lovely today, but another cool down is coming tonight...I want to go bittersweet picking so the weather should be perfect for it this week...I had found a small amount just across the road here and already put some up above my window and a little in bowls, etc., but I need a bunch more for our front window...

so that's the news from me, talk to you all again soon...


Ladybug said...

Hi Sandi
Pumpkin Patch Photo is awesome
hope those are yours :-)
Congrats on selling the rugs...

Love Bittersweet wish we had some
around here always gives everything
a feeling of Autumn/Havrest time..
Ca'nt wait to see your New Rug
Warm Blessings/ Hugs

basketsnprims said...

love the picture of the pumpkins. I hear bittersweet is scarce this year, so glad you have some so near you. I love how it looks scattered here and there. have a great week.

Rugs and Pugs said...

Sandi ~
Keep us posted on your rug progress. Happy hooking!
Hugs :)

leLoops said...

I love bittersweet and can't always locate it here. Happy Fall, Lee